Wednesday, 25 May 2011


I will learn, in time, how to live my life well. Until then I guess I'll keep stumbling along as I do. I had my in-class session for my motorcycle license today, and although the class itself went smoothly, I made the day very difficult for myself. Without going into the torrid details, I can say that although I now have a helmet, it's not the one I want. We'll see how things turn out but what I'm really looking forward to (not to mention what I'm most anxious about) is the practical sessions coming up this weekend. I'm really looking forward to actually jumping on a bike for the first time. I'll be whipping along in second gear on that 125cc trainer very soon.

 If I were to take a few things from my experience today, it would be that rational decisions need to be made after a good night's sleep, and that instant gratification will not necessarily make you a happier person. But I'll forge ahead, continuing to make mistakes because like Calvin's father says...


  1. Thats true you need a good night of sleep before making any decisions

  2. Good point, once you get your license and are able to upgrade to a bigger and more powerful bike it will become a drug.
    Enjoy where it takes you though

  3. i really like the way you move mmmm
